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E-Transfer (Email Transfer) : Our preferred method is an email transfer to from your online banking. We have set up an automatic deposit directly into the bank account. If it fails to work, set a security answer - we suggest you to use "donation." In case you use a different security answer, you must email us the answer.

If you want to pay by cheque,
Please send it to the following address:

Handi-Care Intl., 38, Larwood Blvd,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M1M 2M5

Detailed Instructions for E-Transfer

  1. Login to your banking account
  2. From the menu options on the left side, select Electronic E-Transfer / Interac E-Transfer 
  3. You will go to Send Money page – Select Add New recipient from the selection below the Recipient option
  4. In the Add Recipient page, Fill in the name as Handi-Care and email as and click Add Recipient
  5. A pop up will appear – asking you to put in the Security Identification Number, which you would have received on your mobile or email id, which ever you have registered with your bank.
  6. You will go to “Send Money” page
  7. Select the Recipient –
  8. Fill in the other fields – Message, Amount, Which account
  9. Automatic deposit in to the bank account has been set up. If it fails, follow Step 10
  10. For the security question, type in “The password provided by you” or similar phrase
  11. Use the Security answer we have provided (donation) to you or use your own and email us your answer.