Poovammal. S
Transferred from Mohamed Yousuf Thangal in June 2015. Completed Sponsorship transferred to Joshi in 2017.

Date of Birth:
Sponsor :
Anand Narayanaswamy,
Starting year by Sponsor:
Students completed under this Sponsor:
Starting year for Student :
Duration of Sponsorship :
August 2016 to July 2017
Student's Date of Joining :
Educational Background :
12th, M.s.Office, DTP
Courses Attending :
Courses Completed :
Diploma MR. Course Special Education
Additional Info :
She came to Amar Seva Sangam at a very young age of 5 in 2000, (pls click to see her childhood development), severely affected by Polio. After surgery, intense rehab, she blossomed in to a very highly talented and bright student, currently studying ?Special education? at ASSA. She aspires to be a teacher in special education, helping 100s of children with developmental challenges. She is one among 3 students who won a medal in National sports and received her awards in Delhi in 2016. She is also selected for International competition.
Date of Discharge:
December 2016
Current Status:
Discharged. She is Employed as Special Educator in ASSA